There is this one very posh, hip-hop-hep - in short - a super expensive gym, right in front of our office building. Everyday I pass by that road, I can't help but notice the long line of lambi chowdi, chamakti gadis. I wonder, every time, who has got the kind of money and more importantly the time to go to a gym at around 6:00 PM??? I was sure, they all must be super committed folks - committed to work out in spite of their busy schedules (I assumed they must be "busy" since they were "rich")!!! The rich, smart, busy species!! I kind of started having high regard for them, until......
One day on way back from work, I noticed a reallll longg and handsomeee black car, it zoomed by and stopped right near the steps to the gym. A guy in a white uniform came running and opened the front passenger door, there was this chauffeur driven not-so-good looking guy, who got down the car (while on his mobile - of course he "had" to be busy)...this guy didn't budge an inch to advance towards the door. I presumed, he waited to take his bag...but NO!!! This guy in the uniform rushed, opened the back door and carried the rich guy's "gym kit" for him and also held the door open for this not-so-good looking rich guy to walk in!!! I was glad, the guy in the uniform didn't "carry" the rich guy in and hope against the hopes the not-so-good looking rich guy was not disappointed by this lack of gesture!!!
I understand, this guy is rich...probably busy (though I am not sure anymore)...the kind who "think" they are independent - though when left alone, can't spot their toothpaste!!! The kind who need maids/valets etc....BUT, he is at the GYM!!!!!! Probably....logic evades him
He rather drive down and carry his bag inside - ofcourse apart from the terrible burden of carrying himself!!
Hereby I conclude, that rich needn't be busy and definetly not smart - they just need to be "RICH"!!!! :D :D
P.S: For all those out there, who after reading the post, are wondering about my fitness level - I am NOT overweight, I am just 10 inches too short!
P.P.S: Let me clarify - I am NOT against rich - I am just trying to analyse what it takes to get there and as long as its not being 'smart', I have no problem, whatsoever ;-)!!