After the glorious college days, I had a glamorous beginning to my career when I entered into the world of corporates!!!! First I was awestruck by their knowledge, their contacts, their meticulous planning....then there was this extreme emotion of shock when I learnt about the 'preach to never practise' and many such one-way applicable attitudes....After approximately 5.5years into this structurally unstructured world I can say, I am on my path to wisdom!!
The unknown "they" say, there are equations to life - true, very true - following are my take on equations to 'corporate' life:
- You bill your client in DOG hours and pay your staff in MAN hours - sure enough indicates, you are expected to work like a dog.
- Pay 3 persons salary to 1 person and make him feel blessed & important and then he HAS AN OPTION to take up 1/2 dozen persons load or 1/2 dozen +Team Lead's load or 1/2 dozen +Team Lead's load+ Manager's load - OFCOURSE, THE RIGHT to opt, lies very high up!
- You know how to click all the buttons in word & excel - knowledge of when to click what is an insult to the entire corporate world.
- You make optimum utilisation of English as a written & spoken language - your work is always "perfect", "great", "awesome", most likely than all, its "fair enough" - although in absolute reality the concept of fairness is extinct!!
- You insist that your staff work all days of the week including saturday and give them the "flexibility" of working from home on a Sunday - in case you are not insisting (yet), trust me, you are a total disgrace to the whole corporate boss world!!!
- You diligently conduct a GLOBAL survey every year and 'discuss' the concerns on work-life balance consistently year after year - I doubt if the survey results really need to be analysed (assuming they are) - where's the logic?? You are a DOG, you ONLY work....'work-life balance' is just another phrase!!!
I read a small story the other day, allow me to narrate it and your options are limited to reading on:
A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day.
A rabbit asked him, “Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?”
The crow answered: “Sure, why not.”
So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested.
The crow answered: “Sure, why not.”
So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested.
A fox jumped on the rabbit and ate it.
Moral of the story: To surive sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very high up!!!!!