Ashish comes home and I look doomed! We decided to go for a walk!! This walk - as Ashish puts it, was the one I "earned" after a day's solitary confinement - EHAHAHA!
(Random ramblings....insensible blabber....logic evading thoughts...thoughts provoking logic....a hint of insanity.....a pinch of sanity)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Path of Joy!
Ashish comes home and I look doomed! We decided to go for a walk!! This walk - as Ashish puts it, was the one I "earned" after a day's solitary confinement - EHAHAHA!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Training In and Out!
In yet another city for yet another training!!
My roomie this time was a very young sweet girl from Delhi. She is a fresher and a new joinee, which explains her high expectations from the accommodation! I mentioned to her I was bored and she suggested some cartoons and dumps of shows she had, I had no clue of. I realized I was in a danger of being outdated and archaic!!!
So, after analyzing the potential of the danger, I had a peaceful night’s sleep and get up to see a lovely, absolutely chilly morning! Fighting the Monday blues, I get out of the bed in anticipation of a hot water bath and switch on the geyser. After a while I realize there is no power and I go to the caretaker to ask for a candle, in response to which he says “Madam geyser bandh kar dijiye meter trip ho raha hai aur isiliye power nahi hai”. So, that marked the start of the long day ahead - early morning bath with ice cold water in a chilly weather!
The training starts off with a bang and on time (the corporate populace would concur, it’s a rare sight)!! The trainer shows the PPT slide which describes the ‘goals’ of the training, which reads – not in exact words - 1) “learn ABC concepts”, 2) “to also have FUN” (??????) and he read this with just a smalllll hint of a smirk…..Fun when on a PPT in words, becomes just another item on the agenda! So proved the training!!
The one thing, which our table group was collectively working on, was the bowl of candies!!! We had a decent lunch, except that amount of effort it took to tear (yes TEAR) apart the roti drained us off all energy, so the lunch ultimately had a knock-off effect!!
The subject which we were being trained in is almost Greek and Arabic to me and every now and then the instructor asks “Is it clear?” I had an urge to wave to him and say “Oh yeah ofcourse, in fact, there is soooooo much clarity that I can't take anymore of it!!”
Most of the training team went out for dinner one night….standing and walking in the most happening of locations in the city which had at the least four restaurants in every lane and two in every by-lane, it took us one hour and a half to decide on a place to eat…it was sheer insult to the city!!
Given the “little” time we took to single out the eat out join, it turned out to be a tacky place. We see funny notices, posters and quotes all over – examples:
- “Fighting In Prohibited” (right outside the restaurant kitchen!)
- “Khali baithna mana hai”
- “First time in India, Daler Mehendi in Amritsar”
Any outstation training trip cannot end without a crazy adventure....We all at times have unreasonable craving to eat something yummy....some of them reading this now would agree, there are few species who have such cravings more often than others ;-) So, my roomie had a killing urge for an ice talking about the unreasonableness - it was at 12:30 midnight!!!!
So, four of us set out by walk to search for an outlet which served icecream - at that hour!!! Far ahead we saw some ray of hope, which turned out to be Barista!! It was obviously closed! The only mistake that guy committed yesterday was, to keep the lights on while he cleaned the place. We barged in and literally pleaded him to give us two scoops of icecream each (now that it was icecream, urge for that had already spread from one to atleast two of us!) We had solutions for any number of reasons he stated for not being able to "entertain" our finally gave up and we bought two scoops of icecream with chocolate sauce!!!
It was am amazing experience to have a mix og vanilla and chocolate icecream with chocolate sauce and walking down the empty road on a chilly night!! AMAZING!!!!
So, that’s a "quick" review of an interesting time had at this training!!!
P.S: Btw, did I mention there were more pillars in the training room, than the tables and each of the pillars had MIRRORS on either side!!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Hard Pressed For Time!

Friday, August 14, 2009
So, this friend of mine, who was perceived to be the most bindaas of us all in college, we weren’t even sure he’ll manage to stick to one thing ever in life, is now doing very well (touch wood) in a field he wasn’t even technically trained for (he operates squint and other eye dysfunctions in infants). He has proved to be the most stable and most responsible of us all.
An other friend of mine, who we were sure is a very sorted out person, has still not managed to sort things out for herself.
Yet another friend/cousin of mine, who has an amazing passion for her line of profession, who we thought would always be in the corporate world, climbing up the sought after ladder, is now taking care of an entire household (which is an overtime job) and has a very cute sweet lovely amazing little baby girl (which is wayyy difficult than working anywhere and any number of hours).
I, who always wanted a laid back life, never wanting to do a full time job and was never serious about building a career in the corporates, now find myself in the bestest of them and feel extremely restless when I don’t go out a day and see the busy-crazy human rush!
Today, each one of us is busy in our own ways, yet we find some time to catch up with the other. These are the people who I know will be there for me when I need them, with no relevance to the number of days that have passed without a call!!
Its funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different!!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Silent Moments!
No phones, no traffic, no mails, no laptops, no meetings, no clients, no rush hours!!!!!
In anticipation of living these fantasies....
I will spoil this post if I write further, so END!